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A bouquet of flowers created by Flowers For All Occasions.

Local florist in Staplehurst

Flowers For All Occasions is here to provide the highest quality flowers for all arrangements. Get in touch with us for more information.

Get to know us

Flowers for All Occasions is a florist in Staplehurst with 5 years' experience, we offer a range of flowers that are made for different occasions such as birthdays, weddings, funerals etc. We also offer local delivery or you can come in store for a bespoke handmade bouquet at an affordable price.
We sell a range of gifts:

  • Balloons

  • Teddies

  • Plants

  • Baskets

  • Gift wrap option

We have a display of fresh flowers that are ready to be taken away for your special occasion, our team can advise or recommend flowers for any type of occasion, if you require our expertise. We are professional, reliable and friendly florists in your local area. Our aim is to satisfy our customers, no matter what the occasion is.

Purple flowers for a wedding arrangement.


A wooden bear and other animals to be sold as a gift.


Valentines special bouquet with roses.



Flowers For All Occasions logo

"Just picked up my flowers for Christmas Christine always goes that extra mile to help lovely flowers."

Sunflowers put together by Flowers For All Occasions.

Opening hours

Visit our shop in Staplehurst

Monday - Saturday
9:00am - 5:00pm



Connect with Flowers For All Occasions for a local florist in Staplehurst

Brattle Farm Five Oak Lane, Staplehurst, Tonbridge, TN12 0HE

01580 712098

Flower bundle in a basket made in Tonbridge.
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